Kindergarten Readiness Goals

The skills listed below are an overview and not a complete list

1.  To have knowledge of God and to develop prayer skills 

2. To be able to give first and last names on request 

3. To be able to recognize his/her name in print 

4. To be able to tell age and birthday

5. To be able to count and recognize numbers to 20 

6. To be able to recognize upper and lower case letters of the alphabet 

7. To know four basic shapes—circle, square, rectangle, triangle 

8. To be able to recognize nine basic colors—red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink and gray

9. To be able to use scissors correctly and to cut on a line 

10. To be able to repeat a nursery rhyme, finger play and/or song 

11. To listen to stories quietly attentively in a group setting 

12. To be able to share and/or take turns 

13.  To classify by color, size and shape

14. To be able to jump, hop, run, walk and go backwards and forwards 

15. To participate in group games 

16. To show respect for other people and things 

17. To follow simple directions 

18. To be able to print first name with first letter uppercase and all others lower case, ex. Michael, Rachel

19. To classify plants, animals, places, weather, etc.